Photo: Plowright lab and collaborators from the Disease Ecology community
Principal Investigator
Raina Plowright
Professor, Department of Public and Ecosystem Health, Cornell University
Principal Investigator, Bat OneHealth
“If we understand how novel pathogens are transmitted from one species to another, a process we call spillover, could we predict or even prevent these events from happening in the first place?”
Research Associate
Benny Borremans
Benny is a research associate who develops and applies statistical and mechanistic models to better understand spillover events.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Caylee Falvo
“What role does the reservoir host immune system play in spillover from wildlife to humans?"
Iris Holmes
“What conditions select on microbes to increase their pandemic potential?”
Dan Crowley
"How do wildlife immune systems affect the risk of spillover across zoonotic viruses and reservoir species?"
PhD Students
Brooklin Hunt
“How is bat health related to spillover, and how can we develop our understanding of bat health?”
Lab Affiliate
Troy Koser
"What if we could use climate and wildlife host data to predict where and when a disease outbreak will happen? What sort of wildlife management actions might we take given this knowledge?"
Program Managers
Sara LaTrielle
Sara is the program manager for BatOneHealth projects in the Plowright Lab
Emma Spence
Emma is the field program manager for BatOneHealth projects in the Plowright lab.
Stella Maris Januario da Silva
Stella is the data manager for BatOneHealth projects in the Plowright Lab.
Lab Alumni
Read about former students, postdoctoral researchers, and staff.